The Ancient Art of Jade Egg Practice

Yoni egg, jade egg or love egg – are names for a beautiful semiprecious stone carved into an egg shape and polished to be worn inside the vagina. It is an Ancient Taoist Practice for Sexual Wellbeing, Awakening Sensuality and Feminine Power. The mysterious jade egg practice stems from the legends of the Yellow Emperor and are believed to be used by empresses and concubines for youth, sexual prowess and vitality. 

Yoni egg practices are part of ancient Taoist sexual yoga methodology designed to help strengthen and tone the vaginal and pelvic floor muscles.

They improve physical and spiritual health, mainly by bringing more power to the chi muscle to enhance the chi or life force and bring the sexual energy inward and upward where it can be transformed into higher energy. When a woman does her jade egg or kegel (pelvic floor) exercises with a yoni egg, it is believed that the chi is intensified within, which amplifies her chi energy outward where it is transformed into spiritual energy.The jade egg can be moved in the vagina in a way that it massages the reflexology zones of the vital organs. They increase tone in the pelvic floor and bladder like a form of pilates, which can prevent prolapsed organs and energy leakage.  

Some other benefits: 

* Strengthen the pelvic floor.

* Warm, circulate and activate sexual energy.   
* Increase libido and awaken your sensuality.
* Help release trauma stored in the body and create emotional balance 
* can help increase sensitivity and pleasure during intercourse.
* Increase natural lubrication at any age. 
* Develop an intimate and loving relationship with your yoni and body
* Become more orgasmic.
* To assist in after birth recovery.
* Gain control over the vaginal muscles

* May lesson blood loss and discomfort in menstruation 
* Enhance your Tantra, Qigong, and yoga practice.
* Balance hormones. Some women that use yoni eggs report a reduction of PMS symptoms, menstrual cramps and the duration of the menses.
* Improve overall health and well-being.
* Tones the facial skin (a natural consequence of toning the uterus)

It is important to get good quality Jade eggs as there are many fake jade eggs on the market made with chemical treatment or dyeing. Nine out of ten "jade eggs" on the market are actually fake jades or jade simulants made of serpentine or other translucent marble stones. Nephrite Jade is the top quality jade, it is very solid and harder than even steel. Ours are 100% natural Certified Nephrite Jade Eggs, sourced from Canada. Order yours here:



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