Nikki Hillis Nikki Hillis

Embrace the magic of new beginnings in February

February’s potent energy promises fresh starts & transformation.

As we ride the wave of the Imbolc Portal this week that spans from February 4th (Solar Imbolc) to February 9th (Lunar Imbolc), coinciding with the New Moon & the midway point between the winter solstice & the spring Equinox.

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Nikki Hillis Nikki Hillis

The Ancient Art of Sound Healing

In the ancient feminine mystery schools, priestesses alchemised with the power of sound –the ethereal resonance of lyres, harps, songs, & toning – to induce visions, harmonise body & psyche, and immerse initiates in the divine melody of Love that permeates every cell of existence.

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Nikki Hillis Nikki Hillis

Samhain, The Beginning of a New Cycle

Samhain, marks the onset of winter and the beginning of a new cycle. As nature descends into its quiet depths, we too embark on an internal journey into our own underworld, a personal death and rebirth akin to the leaves falling, nourishing new soil. This profound time invites us to engage in ancestral healing as seasonal energy turns inward.

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Nikki Hillis Nikki Hillis

Autumn Wellness Guide

Autumn is the time of letting go and inward nourishment. Nature reflects it beautifully as the nutrients from the leaves move down into the roots of the trees, causing the leaves to turn vivid orange and yellow to brown and eventually fall away. The ‘dead’ leaves begin to decompose to create a fertile ground and leave the potential for fresh growth in the spring.

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Nikki Hillis Nikki Hillis

Harness The Power of Your Menstruation

Most women haven’t been taught the sacredness, power and wisdom of their menstrual cycle from a young age. Instead, for many, our monthly bleed is experienced as shameful, embarrassing and painful.

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Nikki Hillis Nikki Hillis

Keep Your Womb Warm

A warm uterus is essential for fertility, healthy menstruation & pregnancy. In Chinese medicine, a “cold” uterus, or poor blood flow & circulation to the uterus could be the reason you can’t get pregnant, have period pains or suffer from conditions like endometriosis, adenomyosis and fibroids.

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Nikki Hillis Nikki Hillis

The Ancient Art of Jade Egg Practice

The jade egg is a beautiful semiprecious stone carved into an egg shape and polished to be worn inside the vagina. It is an Ancient Taoist Practice for sexual wellbeing, awakening sensuality and feminine Power.

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